Laplacian of polynomial operator for image edge detection 用于图象边缘检测的拉普拉斯-多项式算子
Esquipulas II Procedure The Image Edge Detection with Laplacian of Gaussian Operator 基于高斯-拉普拉斯算子的图像边缘检测方法
Gradient and Laplacian operator 梯度和拉普拉斯算子
Eigenvalues of Laplacian Operator Under Mean Curvature Flow 平均曲率流下拉普拉斯算子的特征值
Application of Wavelet and Laplacian Operator in Pipe Welding Flaw Image Detection 小波及拉氏算子在管道焊缝缺陷检测中的应用
Extended Laplacian of Gaussian operator for edge detection 高斯-拉普拉斯边缘检测算子的扩展研究
Estimates for Discrete Spectrum of Laplacian Operator With any Order 任意阶调和算子的离散谱估计
First the topological relations between the known points and unknown points are built as a inverse equation, which is used to compute the values of unknown points directly. Then with a filter of Laplacian operator, we make the model smooth and minimize its energy. 首先由已知点与未知网格点的反距离拓扑关系建立反演方程,用已知点值直接计算出其所在网格的未知网格点值,再利用Laplacian算子滤波,使得模型光滑,且能量最小化。
Normal Mesh Generation Based on Laplacian Operator 基于Laplacian算子的法向网格生成
Contrast experiments are conducted on real chip images to check effects of five usually used median filter operator, that is Roberts operator, Sobel operator, Prewitt operator, Krisch operator and Laplacian operator. Experimental results show that the Roberts operator is to our choice. 试验对比了Roberts算子、Sobel算子、Prewitt算子、Krisch算子及Laplacian算子五种边缘检测算子,通过对芯片图像边缘检测的对比试验选择了适合本系统的Roberts边缘算子。
This paper introduces the Laplacian operator and the technology of exchanging of opposite angle to improve the quality of grid. 同时利用Laplacian滤波算子和对角交换方法来改善三角形网格的质量,尤其是对角交换技术对消除畸形三角形单元效果明显。
An edge detection approach via IIR exponential smoothing filtering and nonlinear Laplacian operator is proposed, which has the following advantages. At first, utilizing the exponential kind filter can greatly enhance the ability of smoothing noise, and can implement fast structure recurred filter. 本文提出了一种基于IIR指数平滑滤波与非线性Laplacian算子的边缘检测方法,具有以下特点:采用最佳指数平滑滤波器增强抗噪声能力,且可实现无限大窗口的快速递归运算;
An edge detection approach via IIR exponential smoothing filtering and nonlinear Laplacian operator 基于IIR指数平滑滤波与非线性Laplacian算子的边缘检测方法
In this paper we propose so-called coupled 4-point difference schemes for the Laplacian operator over a class of parallel hexagon partitions of the plane. 本文提出平面上拉普拉斯算子在一类平行六边形网格上的成对4点差分格式。
This paper firstly proposed some clarity-evaluation-functions of out-of-focus blurred image, they are the sum of square of gray-level gradient vector module, the sum of Roberts-gradients, and the sum of Laplacian operator. 本文首次提出了用图像灰度梯度向量模方和、Roberts梯度和与拉普拉斯(8邻域微分)算子和作为由于离焦产生的模糊图像的评价函数。
Image Enhancement Based on Laplacian Operator 基于Laplacian算子的图像增强
Estimate for the discrete spectrum of a quadratic form in Laplacian operator 调和算子二次式的离散谱估计
An Improved Laplacian Operator for Step Edge Detecting 一种陡峭边缘检测的改进Laplacian算子
So, compared with varied processing method, the two-mean filter, the laplacian operator and the threshold division technology could realize the infrared image pattern recognition preprocessing better. 故综合比较各种处理方法,采用两次均值滤波及拉普拉斯算子、阈值分割技术,较好实现了红外图像模式识别的预处理。
Snakes Methods Analysis Based on Laplacian Operator 基于拉普拉斯算子的Snakes方法分析
In this paper, based on the analysis of image edge property and Laplacian operator detection principle, the classical algorithm has been improved so that target edge in the image can be detected accurately Then we apply the new algorithm to detect the edge of color image 在分析图像边缘特性及其Laplacian算子检测原理的基础上对经典Laplacian算子算法进行改进,以便能准确地检测出图像中的目标边缘,并利用该改进算法来检测彩色图像的边缘
Secondly microcalcifications were enhanced by utilizing Laplacian operator in spatial domain. 其次运用拉普拉斯算子在空间域内对图像进行锐化以增强微钙化点;
The instant drop profile during the drop growth is captured by ICCD real-timely, and the collected image is stored for edge detection using Sobel operator or Laplacian operator. The drop volume is finally obtained by integration method according to the detected boundary profile. 通过CCD摄像机实时采集液滴生长过程中的轮廓变化情况,通过图像处理系统存储图像并运用Sobel或Laplacian检测算子进行边缘提取,最后根据液滴的轮廓边缘积分计算出液滴的体积。
The original image is first processed with the average filter and the Laplacian operator, then the obtained image is further processed with the histogram equalization method. 首先采用均值滤波器对原始图像滤波、然后通过改进的拉普拉斯锐化滤波器对图像进行处理,并结合其它图像处理手段对滤波结果进行后处理。
Secondly, the nonlinear Laplacian operator can adapt the edge local information and enhance edges only along the edge directions. 利用非线性Laplacian算子只沿边缘方向增强边缘,充分利用了边缘的局部方向信息;
The basic idea of our method is to interpolate the mean curvature flow of the input meshes as the curvature flow Laplacian operator encodes the intrinsic local information of the mesh. 其基本思想是插值网格局部的内在信息,利用网格上平均曲率拉普拉斯算子来模拟曲面上的平均曲率流。
And for the possible effect of blurring the edges, the Laplacian Operator is adopted to enhance image contrast. 3. 并针对可能出现的边缘模糊化效应,采用拉普拉斯算子对图像做增强处理。
In order to preserve the geometric details of point set surfaces, the absolute geometry of the in-between model is computed by means of Laplacian operator and its surfaces are dynamically up-sampled using a moving least squares method so as to eliminate the cracks. 在渐变过程中,采用拉普拉斯算子求解中间点模型以保持模型的细节,利用MLS进行动态自适应的重采样以消除中间模型的裂缝。
A new high-resolution reconstruction method of optical synthetic aperture images based on Laplacian operator and increment Wiener filter is realized. 3实现了基于Laplacian算子和增量Wiener滤波的光学合成孔径图像重建算法。